

In almost all cases appropriate and functional models, nowadays usually realized by software, depend on optimal and sufficient modelling of data structures as well as appropriate actions and functions acting reliably on this data.

Typical experience:
Technically modeled and built solutions are oriented to the technology and software standards common at the time of creation, also with respect to the use and implementation of the underlying mathematical structures and logical models. The professional groups of engineers and IT specialists are naturally familiar with basic mathematical concepts and realize systems based on their current knowledge and on available practical skills. However, often they have little experience with access to more complex mathematical backgrounds for sophisticated problems! Therefore, they mostly do what they can, less what is structurally necessary or optimal!

Good news:
We can deliver additional and complementary substantial consulting and support!

Our focus areas for many years:

  • IT: system and data modelling, e.g. database systems, simulations, digital twins, …
  • human medicine: realizations of complex systems and processes,e.g. drug, nutrition and infusion mgmt, genetics, …
  • algorithms: enhancements beyond statistics and linear algebra, e.g. coupled systems, non-linearities, …
  • knowledge: IT-based modelling of knowledge bases, e.g. nets, Sharepoint, graphs, …


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